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Path Mastery reading

Explore your key natal chart placements and discover your true purpose.

1 h
100 US dollars
Location 1

Service Description

Our natal charts hold key information and instructions on how to navigate our lives. By exploring our South and North Node placements, we are able to see what characteristics and patterns we are being asked to release and what new ways of being we are here to learn and master. In addition, our Chiron (the Wounded Healer) placement reveals what internal wounds we are carrying and how to heal them and TRANSFORM ourselves. Through the Life Mastery session, we will work together to explore each of these 3 vital placements and emerge with a new understanding of why you are here and how to become more of who you were always meant to be. The Path Mastery reading includes a post session summary and assignment, and a printable personalized Natal Chart. *** Please include your date of birth, time of birth, and location of birth at the time of booking. This information will be used to review your birth chart prior to the session. *** For all INTERNATIONAL CLIENTELE: Please email ( OR text message (+1 770-765-2506) for assistance booking sessions. All time slots are coordinated within EST (Eastern Standard Time) hours. Therefore, we must coordinate together to schedule sessions at times suitable for both parties.

Cancellation Policy

All sessions must be cancelled or rescheduled no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled start time. NO refund will be issued for sessions cancelled within 24 hours of the scheduled start time. A $25 rescheduling fee will be charged for any session rescheduled within 24 hours of the scheduled start time. *Please book responsibly, and remember that time slots for readings are limited.

Contact Details

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